Metatron Colour Healing

Metatron Healing is a method of healing that channels the transformational energy of Archangel Metatron using colour and light to restore, replenish and upgrade the whole body matrix made up of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. It does this via working through the extended chakra system which in turn disperses the energy to wherever it is needed – it is an intelligent energy and knows where it needs to go.
The Metatron energy is channeled via the higher chakras down through the healer to the client – as such the light emanates from higher realms but is anchored to earth by the energy of Archangel Sandalphon who grounds and ensures it is compatible with earth’s energy field and that of the individual. It uses both hands on healing as well as work within the aura to help maintain optimum health. The body responds naturally to the vibration of light and it has the ability to enter at cellular level to bring lasting change and recovery.
Guidance is usually given by the healer in terms of next steps to take as the Metatron energy is always about moving you on to be all you came here to be. If used to treat physical illness you will be shown underlying emotional patterns that may have helped contribute to the illness itself and the client will need to take personal responsibility here. These patterns will need to be worked on layer by layer till full health is restored.
Colour can be incorporated in a number of ways during a Metatron Healing session – e.g. through the specially designed Metatron Aura sprays, as well as Coloured Silks, Crystals, Visualisation and Colour Breathing where appropriate.
In truth the Metatron Healer has a number of different techniques to facilitate your healing – but it is above all about allowing Metatron to speak and work with each client individually.
The client is encouraged to empower themselves via Metatrons love, guidance and light to break free from old patterns, habits, behaviours etc and start the journey back to health, happiness and contentment.
Healing can also be used as a wonderful tonic and ‘pick me up’ whenever an infusion of light and love is needed to support your journey through life. Metatron Healing is recommended for many other issues including Ancestral, Past Life, Karmic, Inner Child and many other aspects that can arise.